Veganism: My Rules

So, most of you guys know that I’ve transitioned into an almost totally vegan and low-gluten lifestyle. I get a lot of questions about how I eat out at meals or go to people’s houses. But let me say this, it’s kinda tough! No one likes to be “that” girl at the restaurant or dinner table. So here are my “rules” to committing to my food preferences within a real world scenario.

Rule One: DIY Food
Cooking at home allows me to have complete control over what I eat. When I make or buy food for myself, it’s typically organic and vegan. I see nourishing my body and eating healthy as a priority and investment, so I love shopping at farmers markets and health food stores. I also take lots of nutritional supplements and probiotics, to make sure my body is getting all the nutrients that it needs! Since I love to cook and try new things, staying in for meals becomes an adventure!

Rule Two: Be Gracious
If I am a guest at someone’s home, I always eat what I’m served. I generally avoid red meat if I can, which has never been a problem when I’m with friends that eat beef. If my host asks beforehand what my food preferences are, I usually tell them that I’m a vegetarian. I don’t worry about the whole dairy/gluten thing too much. Like I said, I want to be gracious and kindly accept other people’s generosity!

Rule Three: Play Restaurant Roulette
Eating out affords me variety and I treat dining out as a “free pass”. If I’m feeling like having a green salad or chicken wrap, I get it. I never order soda or sugary drinks and, if I decide to eat meat, always pick the lean types. Since I don’t eat out often, I don’t feel like it clashes with my lifestyle and eating preferences. This way, I get to enjoy any type of restaurant and the company I’m with!

Any vegetarians or vegans in the house? What are your rules for eating out or eating in general? Share with me in the comments!

One thought on “Veganism: My Rules

  1. My friends all know I’m vegetarian, so they’ve never offered me meat. We typically do pot luck appetizers and desserts when we get together, so I’m good there. At restaurants, I try to find vegetarian options to eat, but am not afraid to ask for chicken alfredo without the chicken. I’m paying good money to eat, and I’m going to eat what I want. I know I could eat the chicken, but I have no desire to…

    I think I follow your rule #1: DIY best of all. Cooking for yourself is so empowering and wonderful. I love it!

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